
 This afternoon,I made up and dressed up like every time I went out with  my friends
Suddenly,I remembered that something Vanessa had told me before.

She told me "if some guy just wanna play with you,don't feel pity or even blame yourself.It just means he doesn't deserve a good girl like you!!"At that time,I was so upset for one boy.I couldn't understand that why he made me feel I was somebody,but in fact, I was nobody.I was fancy to him.It made me feel that I was a bitch!I remembered I told her "I feel really bad!I don't even know that am I a good girl?or maybe it's because I made him thing I am a play girl,so he can treat me like that!" However,Vane told to me firmly,she said"Of course you 're a good girl,we all know that!"

This happened almost 1 year ago.I thought about this was because, finally,I can realise what Vane tried to told me .That's true,if my partenr couldn't see my most beautyful side,couldn't see how I make up for him.That means he doesn't pay enough attention on me.If there is something I think I am perfect to show,but he just doesn't have chance to find out.That means he doesn't deserve it.It's not my fault.This also reminds me one movie I really wanna watch "He's just not that into you".So,stop wasting me time,just turn around and find another guy!There will always has someone suit to me.

All I want to say is,thanks~Vane,thanks to always support me,even I wasn't a good friend at the end.I fell into a big trap and couldn't got out by myself. You didn't gave up me and tried to recover me.Although we live in different countries and hard to contact with each other now.However,you are one of my best friends and my family in Au forever!!


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